Body Physics is a textbook that introduces fundamental physics topics related to the human body, from motion to metabolism, through the lens of body physics . The book is authored by Dr. Lawrence (Mick) Davis, an Associate Professor of Science at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR . The book is available in various formats, including eBook, online PDF, XML, and hardcopy .
The book is divided into ten units, each of which covers a specific aspect of the human body. The first unit, “Purpose and Preparation,” introduces the purpose of the book and provides an overview of the human body’s basic structure and function . The second unit, “Measuring the Body,” discusses the various methods used to measure the human body, including height, weight, and body composition . The third unit, “Errors in Body Composition Measurement,” explores the sources of error in body composition measurement and how to minimize them . The fourth unit, “Better Body Composition Measurement,” provides an in-depth look at the various techniques used to measure body composition, including bioelectrical impedance analysis, skinfold thickness measurements, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry .
The fifth unit, “Maintaining Balance,” discusses the human body’s balance and how it is maintained . The sixth unit, “Strength and Elasticity of the Body,” explores the strength and elasticity of the human body and how they are related to physical activity . The seventh unit, “The Body in Motion,” provides an overview of the human body’s motion and the physics principles that govern it . The eighth unit, “Locomotion,” discusses the various forms of human locomotion, including walking, running, and jumping . The ninth unit, “Powering the Body,” explores the various energy systems that power the human body, including the ATP-PC system, the glycolytic system, and the oxidative system . The final unit, “Body Heat and The Fight for Life,” discusses the human body’s thermoregulation and how it adapts to extreme temperatures .
In summary, Body Physics is a comprehensive textbook that provides an in-depth look at the human body’s basic structure and function through the lens of fundamental physics principles. The book is authored by Dr. Lawrence (Mick) Davis, an Associate Professor of Science at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR, and is available in various formats, including eBook, online PDF, XML, and hardcopy .
: [Open Textbook Library](