Graph Of The Global Economy By Gdp

Graph Of The Global Economy By Gdp: this diagram is one of our most searched charts and infographics by people seeking to learn about new things and improve their general knowledge of how the world works.

Graph Of The Global Economy By Gdp

The Global Growth Tracker by the Council on Foreign Relations is a comprehensive tool that charts the economic growth performance through time of ninety-one countries around the globe. The tracker allows you to gauge trends in economic growth through time across the globe. The map compiles data on economic growth in ninety-one countries around the world, mainly those that report quarterly data to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Growth is defined as the rate of change, over the prior twelve months, in each country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is the total value of goods and services produced there. The map is interactive and allows you to hover over each country to see its latest growth data. Countries with positive growth rates are shaded in green; countries with negative growth rates, orange. You can also view each country’s historical growth data on the chart below the map by using the drop-down menu.

The World Bank also provides data on GDP by country. According to the World Bank, the United States has the highest nominal GDP in the world, followed by China, Japan, and Germany. The World Bank’s data is updated annually and provides a snapshot of the global economy. In 2019, the global economy was valued at $87.7 trillion.