Fetal Growth Chart

fetal growth chart

Fetal Growth Chart – Fetal Growth Diagram – Fetal Growth charts explain the growth of the fetus through the months of pregnancy as well as provide key information to ensure the awareness of future mothers at each stage of the pregnancy. The diagram below also explains health risks for the growth of the fetus. fetal growth chart

Baby Month by Month – Pregnancy Stages

The Pregnancy stages diagrams below shows the development of the baby month by month in woman’s uterus. Month 1 marks the beginning of the first trimester when the ovulation and conception take place. During week 4, some pregnancy tests may detect conception. At this point, the embryo has just two cells. During the second month of pregnancy, women often feel fatique, morning sickness, hormonal fluctuations and other pregnancy-related symptoms The View Diagram Baby Month by Month – Pregnancy Stages