Motorcycles names chart

Motorcycles names chart: this diagram is one of our most searched charts and infographics by people seeking to learn about new things and improve their general knowledge of how the world works.

Motorcycles names chart

When it comes to motorcycle names, it seems like the preferences are split in half, with one side who favors abstract letters and numbers, while the other prefers a more organic approach to model names.

From scooters to supermotos, here’s a visual rundown of the basic types of motorcycles currently on the market. Buell. Adventure touring bikes and dual sports bikes are designed to be ready for anything—be it tarmac, gravel, or trail riding. Their look is a cross between a traditional touring bike and a dirt bike.

A list of motorcycles produced under the Harley-Davidson brand. Single-downtube bicycle-like frame, direct leather belt drive, rear coaster brake. Construction began in 1903; sold as production models in 1904–1905 Larger front fork, tires, and fenders.