Knee Diagram
Knee Diagram – Knee Anatomy – Human knee – Knee joint anatomy – Human knee anatomy consists of the following parts temia, femur, patella, meniscus, bursa. Knee joints. Human knee joint anatomy. knee diagram
Knee Diagram – Knee Anatomy – Human knee – Knee joint anatomy – Human knee anatomy consists of the following parts temia, femur, patella, meniscus, bursa. Knee joints. Human knee joint anatomy. knee diagram
Liver Diagram – Liver Anatomy – Human liver – Liver anatomy with labels – Human liver anatomy consists of the following parts left lobe, right lobe, hepatic portal vain, hilus, galibladder. Human liver anatomy. liver anatomy
Endocrine System Diagram – Endocrine System Chart – Endocrine System diagrams depict various parts of the human endocrine system. Endocrine anatomy consists of the following parts: thyroid, parathyroids, testis (male), hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovary (female). The diagram below also explains how each of the parts of this system contributes to the human health. endocrine system…
Mouth Diagram – Mouth Chart – Human mouth anatomy diagram displays various parts of the human mouth including lips, tongue, gum, palate, tonsil, trachea, esophagus, mandible and others. Mouth anatomy diagram below shows both the mouth view and the side view of the mouth and throat. Lateral and frontal views of the mouth. mouth diagram
Blood Flow Diagram – Blood Flow Chart – Circulatory System Diagram – Blood Flow diagrams depict the flow of blood in the human body. The below chart displays the human circulatory system and the anatomy of the human body as it pertains to the movement of blood. The following organs are key in the circulatory…
Lungs Diagram – Lungs Chart – Diagram of the lungs depicts various parts of this vital human organ responsible for breathing and oxygen intake. Lungs diagram below displays human lungs anatomy consisting of bronchi, lobes, alveoli, diaphragm, bronchioles, pleura, trachea. Human lungs explained. lungs diagram
Abdominal Diagram – Abdominal Chart – Stomach Diagram – Human Abdominal – Abdominal Anatomy – Abdominal diagrams depict parts of the human stomach including liver, large intestine, small intestine, appendix, esophagus, bladder and other abdominal anatomy parts. abdominal diagram
Kidney Diagram – Human Kidney – Kidney Anatomy – Human kidney anatomy consists of the following parts cortex, vein, artery, pelvis, ureter. The chart below depicts the diagram of a kidney with labels. kidney chart
Human Hand – Hand Diagram – Hand Chart – As depicted on the below diagram, a human hand consists of the following joints and bones: metacarpal, carpometacarpal, phalanx (proximal, distal, middle), interphalangeal joints and other parts. Hand Diagram
Cardiovascular System – Cardiovascular System Diagram – Cardiovascular System Chart – Cardiovascular system consists of the human organs carrying blood through the body including human heart, veins, arteries and aorta. The diagram contains labels describing each part of the system. Cardiovascular System